One Young World 2018: The Hope Solo Scholarship Recipients

By | 2018-10-19T19:55:13+00:00 17 October 2018|News|0 Comments

This week, 1800 of the brightest young leaders from 196 countries are in The Hague for the One Young World Summit 2018 where they have come together to address some of the most challenging issues of our time. It is a life-changing experience and all of them will leave with new connections, new ideas and new inspiration that will empower them to make an even greater impact than they already are.

I’m so excited to collaborate with One Young World for a second straight year to give two extraordinary young people the opportunity to attend the 2018 Summit and experience the event of a lifetime through the Hope Solo Scholarship.

I’m proud to support these two brilliant minds and shine a light on the incredible work they’re doing to make our world a better place:

The 2018 Hope Solo Scholarship Recipients

Alex Paullin, USA
Founder of Conservation Music
“Teaching Environmental Conservation through the Power of Music”

Alex Paullin, 27, is the founder of Conservation Music, a nonprofit that uses music and videos to teach climate change and sustainability in Southern Africa, one of the world’s most climate-prone regions. Alex has “lived and roamed” Southern Africa since leaving his home state of Virginia in 2015.

He collaborates with local musicians to create music and videos around powerful messages around often difficult topics like poaching, erosion and climate change across the continent. You can check out his most recent video from Zambia here and learn more about his story below.

Follow Alex on Twitter @music4earth and Instagram @conservationmusic

Hannah Godefa, Canada
Activist, Humanitarian, UNICEF National Ambassador to Ethiopia
“Education is the Key to Success”

Hannah Godefa, 21, is a writer, activist, humanitarian and UNICEF National Ambassador to Ethiopia since 2013. She is also a Robertson Scholar at Duke University where she is pursuing a degree in Political Science.

As a young humanitarian, Hannah speaks about how, through education, we can eliminate many problems children and youth face in Ethiopia today. Since the age of seven, Hannah has cultivated a desire for giving and founded a project; “Pencil Mountain”, which has since delivered close to half a million pencils to thousands of children in rural Ethiopia. She continues to use her power of speech to mobilize youth to fight for children’s rights to education. Her main message is simple, but powerful:

“Education is the key to success.”

While in the field, she has inspired many of her peers and especially young girls to pursue their education to the highest level. She has also developed content advocating for girl’s education in Ethiopia, and as an intern for VICE Impact, brought awareness to other issues in Ethiopia including the dangerous practice of FGM. You can learn more about Hannah here and watch her talk at the UN Global Leadership Summit in 2016 below.

Follow Hannah on Twitter @hannagodefa

Congratulations Alex and Hannah! I can’t wait to see how this experiences fuels your journeys and inspires you to even greater achievements!

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